Comment #3

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Hello there Isak! It is good to see that you feel like you have improved your work ethics! I know all too well about the trap that is procrastination, I have been there before and still am, to an extent.

Your post highlights the most important part of scrum, which would be the communication and re-iteration aspect. I do feel however, that you could have gone more in depth on how you and your group handle meetings were you discuss how an asset, or assets, should look and/or function.
It would be interesting to read how you have motivated yourself to work in these short intervalls everyday as well. It could motivate others who are having the same struggles as you have had, and maybe they will finally brake free from the bonds of the dreadful procrastination curse.

Thank you for the great post and I hope you will continue with this upwards trend that you are currently on!

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