Comment #2

Blog post being commented on.

Hello Roberto, Very interesting and well-structured post! The insight on why the cannon looks like it does is appreciated and I have a few questions on the few things that seems to have been left out of the original post.
First up, between the first mock-up and the alpha version the cannon has changed in color, it would have been interesting to know about the reasons for this change.
Second, you mention Super Metroid and Star Wars as inspirations but there are no specifics given regarding where from those IPs inspiration was taken from. More explanation and insight on what objects were directly or indirectly influencing the design of the cannon would have been great to read about.
Thirdly, the mock-up cannon has six ‘bars’ in its charge bar, but the alpha cannons have four, or is it eight? It is not super clear just from looking at these pictures how many shots the cannon can hold at one time. I am sure this question is answered when animation is added to it, but in its current state it makes me a bit confused.

Cheers! /Daniel Reinsson

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