Comment #6

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Hi there Teo!
When it comes to seeing your creation come to life I feel just like you do, it is truly something magical.
The ‘what has gone well’ part of the text seems so short, you start it of with “First, I’d like to start with what have gone well:”, which signals to the reader that there will be several things that you will bring up that has gone well during your project. If just having a game is the only thing that has actually gone well with the project then maybe that should be made more clear.

I can also resonate with you with the core loop issue, we had the same problem with our game, it’s a shame that you feel like your game’s core mechanic did not reach higher than you had wanted it to.

I have not played A hat in Time, but I have heard great things about it. It seems to take what made Mario good and I can appreciate that. The point you make is also very valid, I wished that I could have seen that sooner with our project.

It would have been nice to see you expand on what it is that you have actually learned during this course, it all seems fairly vague at the moment. Apart from that it was a nice structured and well written post, good luck and have fun in the next course!
Cheers! /Daniel

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